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Support Tailor Ed

Donate with CAF Donate

Support The Team

Join up and be part of our Team, helping families in Edinburgh raise their child with autism.  All our services, interventions and supports are a team effort – now you can do your bit too by joining the Team as a regular giver. Anyone can be a part of Team Tailor Ed; grandparents, relatives, friends and neighbours.

Everyone can help us to help our families.

Tailor Ed does an amazing job. Without their input my son would have gone into residential education a long time ago and learnt none of the skills such as being able to communicate his needs, eat a variety of foods and sleep on his own- all of which have made his life and ours so much better

A Tailor Ed Parent

Support Us Financially

You can follow the link to our new CAF Online Donation page where you are able to quickly and easily set up regular or one-off donations to Tailor Ed. We still have our Just Giving page which you can use as well. Alternatively, you can set up a standing order following the simple step by step guide below. We really value your support and by not using a donation platform all of your gifts to come straight to us to be spent on our services.

Select a monthly amount that’s affordable for you

£ 40 – The cost of a workgroup place for a parent
£ 25 – The cost of a home visit to a family
£ 15 – A place for a child on our social events
£ 10 – The cost to replace toys and supports for home visits
£ 5 – The cost of making bespoke materials for a home visit
Or any amount you would like

From your own bank account, set up a standing order using the following account information

Sort code: 80-11-00 Account number: 06094418
Use your first initial and surname (as much as allowed) as the reference

Complete and return to us (via post or email)

This Charity Gift Aid Declaration if you’re a UK tax payer.
And this Team-Tailor-Ed-Sign-Up-Sheet so we know who you are

As a part of Team Tailor Ed you’ll receive a thank you once we receive your first donation.

Our Promise is to…

  • Keep you up to date and share stories of how your donation makes a difference to families.
  • Make it clear and easy for you to choose how you hear from us, including how to opt out from future communications. Once a year we will contact you to make sure we have everything right and give you the option to subscribe or unsubscribe to communications
  • Never share your details with other organisations or charities.
  • If you no longer wish to donate regularly simply cancel your standing order and contact us to remove you from our mailing list.
  • By signing up to give us a regular donation you will receive a thank you. You will also receive our monthly event updates, our quarterly newsletter as well as a copy of our annual report to let you know what we have achieved with your help.

Other Ways To Get Involved

To volunteer to help with a fundraising event email our Events Officer at

Perhaps you work or own a local business? Please contact our Events and Fundraising Officer to discuss how you can help Tailor Ed.

Legacies. Perhaps you may consider leaving a gift in your will to Tailor Ed Foundation.  A special gift like this really makes a difference to the way we are able to plan ahead for the benefit of our service users. Please contact us if you are thinking of leaving a gift in this way.

We are both grateful and really touched that so many of the families we support take the time and effort to support us.