Early Years Service

Who is it for?

Tailor Ed’s Early Years Service is for families with a child with a diagnosis of autism, living in The City of Edinburgh and East Lothian. We accept referrals for children entering their preschool year from parents and professionals. We have capacity to work with 35 families annually and roll out the service with new referrals in Autumn each year.

What is involved?

Families will receive home based support – regular visits from a project worker to work directly with the child and their family. The intensity of this support will vary depending on what is required to make progress on targets. Often there will be weekly or fortnightly visits and there will be phases when visits will be less regular as we make sure that new skills are firmly embedded in family life. There may also be targets that require more intensive support such as toileting or establishing an evening routine and more regular visits will then be scheduled.

We will also provide 1:1 interactive parent training that will be target and child-centred. These will let us cover the theory behind the strategies we’ll be showing you, show you video examples of this work in action and discuss any questions.

Families will join a community of Edinburgh and East Lothian families raising an autistic child. We provide opportunities to attend group online activities and when restrictions allow autism-friendly play sessions, family-days and other cultural events as well access to informal support from other parents facing similar challenges.

To make a referral get in touch via email or download our short referral form below. Alternatively you can call 07980 702 962.

Email Us
Download the Referral Form

What is it?

Our Early Years Service provides 12 months of support to families to teach their child the most essential skills they need in day to day life. We focus on communication, daily living skills such as toileting, and “learning to learn” skills such as listening to instructions and play skills.