Empowering Families
Of Autistic Children

Our wish is to see autistic children and their families empowered and included, able to live the lives they want to and access all the day to day experiences that other families take for granted.

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About Tailor Ed

Tailor Ed Foundation has been supporting families with a child with autism in Edinburgh since 2009.

Tailor Ed was set up because we saw that there was a gap in services for families who were struggling to support their child to gain the everyday skills that they needed for daily life, skills that people often take for granted – being able to put on your shoes and brush your teeth. Without these skills daily life can be difficult, stressful and isolating for children and their families. Tailor Ed provides services to families to allow these essential skills to develop so family life can run more smoothly.

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Early Years Services

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Target Specific Services

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Support Services

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Helping Families

Read some of the stories from families already benefitting from our services >

Latest News and Events

June 27, 2024

Summer 2024 – Updated ASN Leisure Opportunities Guide

Download our recently updated ASN Activities Guide and learn about some of the other fun activities on offer in and around Edinburgh this summer. Click HERE to download and read…
June 24, 2024

Ride a Bike Workgroups Summer 2024

Ride a Bike Workgroups For our Early Years and Target Specific families This summer we're running our workshops for parents who want to teach their child to ride a bike.…
May 16, 2024

Time Twisters Sessions and Summer Groups – Important Update

We want to update you on recent changes to some of Tailor Ed Foundation's Services. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in securing our usual funding from Better Breaks. This means that…