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Mental Health Sessions and Workshops Survey for Parents and Carers

By February 1, 2022No Comments

There’s a range of initiatives underway to help address gaps in services for families across the city. Tailor Ed is keen to ensure that the needs of families of autistic children are considered and inform service developments and so we’ll share with you news and opportunities to have your say. We have work underway with partners Barnardos and Autism Initiatives on a new offer to help support the mental health and wellbeing of neurodiverse children and young people which we hope to be able to share with you soon.

In addition, Jillian Hart, Development Officer for Parent & Carer Support in the Department of Schools and Lifelong Learning, City of Edinburgh Council has created a survey to help capture need and inform service planning around mental health supports for parents…

If you are a parent or carer who cares for a child or young person with emotional wellbeing or mental health issues, we would be grateful if you could complete this survey to share your views.

This survey is being carried out by a working group of professionals who wish to develop and increase the availability of mental health information sessions and courses for parents and carers. Gaps in the support available for families in this area were highlighted during a large Family Support parent and services consultation exercise during COVID 19. Members of this group are from The City of Edinburgh Council Parent and Carer Support and Psychological Services Teams, Health in Mind, One Parent Families Scotland, The Junction, VOCAL and CAMHS. The views gathered in the survey will be used to inform future developments.

Please follow the link below to complete the survey before the 17th Of February 2022.


Mental Health Sessions and Workshops Survey


If you wish any more information on the survey please contact Jillian Hart or Paulina Szach

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