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Summer 2022 – Circle Time, Ride a Bike Workgroups and our Summer Activity Guide!

By June 30, 2022July 5th, 2022No Comments

Download our ASN Activities Guide and learn about some of the other fun activities that Tailor Ed have planned over the Summer Break

Click HERE to download and read our 2022 Summer Guide full of fun activities and leisure opportunities for you and your family.

During school holidays, you can join us to start the day at Circle Time, each weekday at 10 am. You can join the group from 9.55am. Feel free to participate in any way you want and you feel comfortable; by having the camera on or off, microphone mute or unmute, dressing in your favourite costume or accompanied by parents or siblings. Please display your child’s name so we can welcome them.

If you joined Circle time before, you can use the same Zoom link; or if you want to join circle time for the first time, you need any help accessing this or have any questions contact 

Again this year we’re running our workshop for parents who want to teach their child to ride a bike. The practical sessions are for parents and carers and their child to practice riding a bike.

The sessions will be Saturday 9th July and Saturday 30th July at the Edinburgh Academy Junior School grounds in Canonmills (some free parking may be available). Our team will be on hand to help you teach your child and practice the various exercises. We can provide bikes if needed.

Places on this workshop must be booked in advance as there are limited places. To book email or speak to your project worker

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