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Time Twisters Sessions and Summer Groups – Important Update

By May 16, 2024No Comments

We want to update you on recent changes to some of Tailor Ed Foundation’s Services.

Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in securing our usual funding from Better Breaks. This means that we are unable to deliver the services previously funded by this money. 

Time Twisters 

We are no longer able to run our sessions at Time Twisters. Our last session will be Wednesday 29th May 2024 

Time Twisters have stated that all Tailor Ed families are welcome to attend any of their other regular sessions. These can be booked online or by calling them directly. They have suggested attending on quieter or sunnier days as this is when there are fewer other people. They asked that we remind families that they are unable to offer additional staff at these other sessions. 

We would love to see lots of our families on 29th May. Please speak to your Project Worker to arrange to join us as normal. 

Summer Groups 

We are unable to provide summer groups this year. We will continue delivering support, working with families individually, over the summer period.  


We know that this news will be difficult for many of you and for your children. We are incredibly sorry that we are not able to provide these services and hope you understand this was a not a  decision we took lightly. Tailor Ed is not in a position to fund these services without considerable external income. We hope that by communicating these decisions as early as possible, families will have time to prepare for this ending and are able to support their children to understand this too. We are here to help – Please speak to your Project Worker if you need guidance or support explaining this to your children. 

We know how much families value the sessions we provide and will be looking at ways to reinstate these in the future, if possible. 

If you’ve any questions, please get in touch. 

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